Navigate the Second Half of Life

Are you in your 40s, 50s, or 60s and wondering what's next?

Define purpose, potential, and a plan for your ideal future. 

A purpose mindset serves as your lodestar, a powerful compass for navigating through the midlife transition into a second half of life rich with possibility. Lodestar Guidance LLC serves those who need renewed direction on their life journey. A board-certified coach, I am eager to be your companion.

In online coaching sessions, I will ask you gentle questions to explore your own inner wisdom. There are no wrong answers, only the insights that arise as we discover who you are and what you want. You set the agenda; our sessions will focus on what you choose each time, with my guidance if requested. 

Milestones you might aim for include:

  • Complete a life review in order to release regret, and celebrate your strengths and what you've learned
  • Explore the Enneagram to discover your deepest motivations, and confront your blind spots and limiting habits
  • Uncover your 'unlived life,' all the potential you have yet to realize, and decide how it can bring you pleasure now
  • Identify your values and imagine enacting them in your ideal future, creating an inspiring vision to live into
  • Engage practices to generate self-compassion, emotional intelligence, and wholistic wellness
  • Set enlivening goals and step-by-step objectives to meet them, with back-up plans for overcoming obstacles
  • Gain clarity and confidence to know what step to take next, as you continue creating purpose and its fulfillment

For a detailed map of a possible program, email me at, and consider what you would like to include in your own midlife redefinition. I am eager to hear what you want; schedule a free conversation to discuss how we can collaborate.   


"In the first half of life, we are busy building careers, finding mates, raising families, fulfilling the cultural tasks demanded of us by society. The cost of modern civilization is that we necessarily become one-sided, increasingly specialized in our education, vocations, and personalities.

But when we reach a turning point at midlife, our psyches begin searching for what is authentic, true, and meaningful. It is at this time that our unlived lives rear up inside us, demanding attention....

In the second half of life, we are called to to live everything that we truly are, to achieve greater wholeness."

Robert A. Johnson & Jerry M. Ruhl
Living Your Unlived Life: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose in the Second Half of Life 

Nervous? Overwhelmed?

I specialize in helping you manage uncomfortable feelings that may arise along the way. Sign up for a free, sample practice for attending to your emotions. Less stress, more insight....

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