Products & Services


Schedule a free conversation to decide if we want to work together. If so, we will collaborate on mapping out a step-by-step program for your particular needs, and setting an appropriate price. Always your journey is customized to you. 

Click here to access my calendar.

The products below are self-study courses designed to help you develop career readiness competencies, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being. You may purchase them without committing to a coaching program, and I am available for a free conversation if you want to discuss any aspect of a course or ask questions. 

0.00 USD

Managing Stress & Difficult Emotions

This do-it-yourself online course teaches you to lessen stress and manage difficult emotions by forming a healthy relationship with yourself.

Stress is an inevitable challenge in life, and is not always negative. Sometimes it motivates us to prepare for performing well. But too much stress can lead to physical harm so it's wise to lessen it when needed.

Practice conscious breathing to foster your relaxation response. Learn to welcome difficult emotions, loosening tension and unfolding insight and energy. Become present to yourself with compassion and curiosity. You can be your own best friend! 

33.00 USD

How is Your Wellness?

We are most fulfilled and competent when we manage our health well. Showing up at our best for our careers, hobbies, friends, and families requires attention to our wellness. This free course takes you through the process of assessing your overall well-being, and how you may want to improve, resulting in your own Personal Health Plan. 

0.00 USD